Wednesday, November 23, 2016


 Hello Gardeners,

VOLUNTEER WEBMASTER WANTED: We are looking for a computer-savvy volunteer to take over as webmaster for the Eagle Heights Gardens Website. We will be continuing our current website for a few more months before switching to a new, improved website. If you are interested in helping, please contact me.

GARDEN TOOL CLEANING/PUT AWAY: On Sunday, November 27, at 2:00pm, volunteers will meet at the Eagle Heights shed to clean and put away the tools for the season. Please come help. (We will leave two carts and a couple of tools at each garden for those hardy few who have more work to do before putting their gardens to bed for the winter.)

PAYMENTS FOR “NO WORKDAY” OPTION: A final reminder – all gardeners are required to either participate in a workday or pay a “no workday” fee. Most gardeners have now done one or the other. But, if you have not done a workday or paid the fee, you have until December 1 to get us the payment. It is $16 for a small plot, or $32 for a large plot. Payment must be by check, made payable to Division of University Housing, and mailed to Eagle Heights Community Center c/o Gardens, 611 Eagle Heights, Madison, WI, 53705. (Or you may drop it off in person at the community center.) 
Please include your plot number and an explanation of what your check is for. If you have any questions, email me at

If you have not taken care of the workday obligation by December 1, and you want to return to garden next year, you will be considered a new gardener for priority purposes, and will not be able to request your old plot. We will still need payment of the “no workday” fee, plus a late fee of $10 if you have a small plot or $20 if you have a large plot before we will accept a new application from you. So, please deal with this now.

2017 GARDEN PLOT APPLICATIONS – The applications for garden plots in 2017 will be on our website on December 15. Returning gardeners in good standing (see above) are guaranteed to be able to renew their plots as long as they complete applications and pay plot fees by the deadline of February 15. After that, plots will be assigned according to our standard procedure, in which Eagle Heights residents and UW students have the highest priority. 

For next year, small plots will be $20 for students, and $25 for non-students. Large plots will stay the same price - $32 for students and $42 for non-students. If you have two small plots, you will pay the large plot rate.

BRUSSELS SPROUTS – I’m not really a fan of this vegetable, but a good friend gave me some from her garden, so I tried this recipe, and they were actually good. (Garlic and balsamic vinegar – how can you go wrong?) I cooked them at a slightly lower temperature, and for a shorter time than the recipe called for, to make sure they didn’t burn:

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

From the Gardens Registrar: Garlic Planting; Toads in Winter; No Workday This Weekend

Hello Gardeners,

GARLIC PLANTING – If you haven’t already planted garlic, now is a good time to do it. (Many people wait until after frost, and we did have a frost last week). Here is some basic information on different varieties, and directions for planting in the fall:

TOADS IN THE WINTER – How do our toads survive the winter? They can’t find food once the ground freezes solid. So they burrow deep into the soil, below the frost line, and hibernate, which means their body processes slow down, their body temperatures go down, and essentially they sleep, until the warmer weather comes and food becomes available again. Here’s a link to more information on toads and frogs:

NO WORKDAY THIS WEEKEND – No workday is scheduled for this weekend, and cold weather is predicted for both Saturday and Sunday, so it’s probably best to just stay inside, drink hot beverages, and read a good book. Maybe a book on gardening.

Happy gardening,