From the Gardens Registrar: What to Plant Now; Tools and Carts in
Plots; Volunteers Needed for Greenhouse Project; Thistles; Cowbirds; Garden
Plots Available; Workday Saturday June 30 at Eagle Heights
Hello Gardeners,
WHAT TO PLANT NOW – If you’re a new gardener just
getting started here, or if you’ve picked your spring vegetables and have space
to fill, there are still vegetables you can plant now – beans, chard, and
cucumbers, for instance. Melon, squash,
and pumpkin seeds can still be planted - late June is about the end of the
planting period for those, since they generally take around 100 days to produce
ripe fruit. It’s still not too late to put tomato, pepper, and eggplant plants
in the ground, if you can still find plants. Herbs and flowers, of course, can
be planted just about any time.
TOOLS AND CARTS IN PLOTS – A reminder: both of our gardens
have hundreds of gardeners. We have a lot of tools and carts, but we don’t have
one of each for every gardener. So don’t keep tools and carts in your plot. You
have to s h
a r e
them (you learned this in childhood, right?). Please be considerate.
going to rent space at the Walnut Street Greenhouses in order to start seeds
for fall vegetable plants. The plants will need daily watering – we are looking
for one or two volunteers to help with this. We would especially like to find
someone who already has their own project going in the greenhouse, or has had
one recently, so that they are already familiar with the facility, and have had
the required orientation. Please contact me if you’re interested. Volunteers
will get workday credit.
CANADA THISTLES – Another reminder – the thistles are
starting to bloom in the gardens now. Check your plot – if you have any, get
them pulled up, cut at the roots with a hoe, or at least cut down before they
form seeds. You don’t want these spreading in your plot, and you definitely
don’t want them spreading to your neighbors’ plots. Don’t wait – deal with them
COWBIRDS – If you’ve been digging in your garden
lately, and noticed a small brown bird hopping around quite close to you, you
may have been visited by a brown-headed cowbird. We have lots of them in the
gardens, and they are not at all shy. They’ll come investigate when digging is
going on, in hopes of finding seeds and insects to eat. Their song has a very
unusual liquid sound. They have an unpleasant approach to child-rearing: they
lay their eggs in other birds’ nests, and make the other birds raise them. Here’s
more information on cowbirds:
GARDEN PLOTS AVAILABLE – Our waiting list for plots is
practically gone now, and plots are continuing to open up – if you have a
friend who would like a plot, please encourage them to fill out an application.
After July 1, plots will be half-price. If you have a half-plot, and would
consider adding another half-plot, contact me. Bear in mind that the plots
opening up now are generally pretty weedy.
have a workday this Saturday morning, June 30, from 8am – 11am, at Eagle
Heights. Meet at the shed. Tasks will include removing thistles from the 700
path and comfrey from the 800-900 path. This will require only a small group of
volunteers, so if you try to sign up on Doodle, and you can’t, then the workday
is already full. Here’s the link:
Be sure to bring a hat, gloves, and a water bottle. Long sleeves would be good,
if you can stand them.
Happy Gardening,