Hello Gardeners,
Reminder: Do not dump plant waste anywhere but the weed piles. Some rhubarb was found dumped in the tree island at the end of the 600s row at Eagle Heights. The only places that we can leave plant waste at either garden location are the weed piles.
Garden operations: The Gardens are run by the gardeners. We have a Garden Committee that meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7 pm (currently via Zoom) to discuss the running of the Gardens. All gardeners that are interested are welcome to participate! Please contact me if you would like to attend a meeting.
The Committee is led by two co-chairs, who set the meeting agendas and run the meetings. The Gardens have a few part-time employees: A registrar (me) and some garden workers (Megan, Ian, and Nichole). The registrar does administrative work: assigning plots, answering questions, and explaining the rules. The garden workers take care of the Gardens: doing maintenance and leading volunteer workdays. All employees report to the Committee via the co-chairs.
Our gardens are one of the oldest and largest community gardens in the country. We currently have 565 plots between both locations, with 777 registered gardeners. If you do not have a secondary gardener listed on your plot and you’d like to add one, please contact me. All gardeners receive email updates (primary gardeners are required to provide an email address and secondary gardeners have the option).
Help plan the EHCG anniversary party: Eagle Heights Community Gardens is turning 61 this year! We would like to form a small committee to help plan a celebration for all gardeners this September. Please contact me if you’re interested in helping with this project.
Gardener looking for watering help: A gardener in the 1000s row at Eagle Heights is looking for help watering and maintaining a plot for six weeks starting June 1st. If you are interested in helping a neighbor, please let me know and I will put you in touch.
Thanks, and happy gardening,