From the Gardens
Registrar: Mandarin Translation Needed; End of Season; Tool and Cart Put-Away; 2017
in Review; Many Thanks; A Repeat Listing of Upcoming Dates; NO WORKDAY THIS
Hello Gardeners,
– We have revised our garden application and list of rules for next year, and
need to update our Mandarin version. If you are fluent in Mandarin and English,
and are willing to translate for us, please contact me. You will get workday
credit for doing this.
END OF SEASON – December 3 is Closing Day for
the gardens. This will be my last regular email for this year, although I will
send an announcement on December 15 to confirm that our 2018 application is
available. (Please don’t email me at 8am to tell me it isn’t on-line yet – it
probably won’t be there until later in the day.)
– A reminder that on Sunday, December 3, we will be putting away most of the
tools and carts at both gardens, and would appreciate some help. No, it does
not count as a workday. The Put-Away Event will be 10am – Noon at Eagle
Heights, and 12:30 – 1:30 at University Houses. Yes, we will leave a few carts
and tools out of storage for the winter at both gardens.
THE YEAR IN REVIEW – 2017 was a difficult year for
gardeners. In the spring, it rained and rained. Our vegetables and flowers grew
fast, but so did the weeds. I know it was hard on people who had limited time
to work on their plots - every time they had a spare half hour to weed, it was
raining yet again. Meanwhile, at University Houses Gardens, there was no leaf
mulch for months, due to the constant rain. Gardeners could clear their plots
of weeds, but couldn’t mulch to keep the weeds from coming back. Then, in the
summer and well into the fall, Eagle Heights Drive was being reconstructed, so
EH gardeners had to park some distance away and walk farther to get to their
plots. Again, this particularly made trouble for gardeners with limited time. Oh,
and then a big tree came down on several plots.
All of these
difficult conditions were beyond our control. But now that the street is
finished, U Houses has lots of mulch, and our very nice new concrete pad at the
EH weed pile is in place, next year has got to be better.
THANK YOU! – Thank you to everybody who had
a garden plot this year and was part of our community. I would especially like
to thank everybody who did a workday. (The new chipped paths look great.) I
would also like to thank our garden workers, Will and Michaiah, for keeping the
paths mowed and the elderly and quirky plumbing functioning, plus everything
else they do to keep the gardens running. A big thank you to the volunteers who
did special jobs – the members of the weed juries, the gardeners who took care
of the beautiful plantings at the Arbor, the people who organized seeds and
staffed the seed fair, the people who searched for missing corner and plot
markers, our webmaster, our two Garden Committee Co-Chairs, and all those who attended
our terrible, I mean terribly interesting, meetings.
December 1 Deadline
for paying the no-workday fee if you have not done a workday. ($32, payable to Division of
University Housing, and mailed to or dropped off at EH Community Center, 611
Eagle Heights, Madison, WI, 53705. Be sure to include your plot number and write
on the envelope that it’s for the Gardens.)
December 3 Closing
Day for both gardens.
15 2018 Application will be available
on our website, and also in paper form at the Community Center
February 15 Deadline
for returning gardeners to renew their plots
March 24 Opening
Day for 2018 (or around that date, anyway.)
April 7 Seed
Fair at Eagle Heights Community Center
– We are done with workdays for this season.
Have a
good winter,