Tuesday, May 23, 2023

From the Registrar: May 23, 2023

 Hello Gardeners, 


Thistles: Please look around your plot for Canada Thistle and pull up any plants you see. They have not started to bloom yet, but they will soon. Once they bloom, they will go to seed and spread. https://www.mda.state.mn.us/plants/pestmanagement/weedcontrol/noxiouslist/canadathistle 



For the last couple of years, we have had a few people act as “thistle monitors” to keep the Canada Thistle at bay in the communal areas between weeding workdays. Please let me know if you’re interested in doing this! 

Volunteers work independently to pull thistle from areas like the blackberry patch and borders. 


Standing water: Please turn containers upside down in your plot so they don’t collect rain. Standing water in plots will increase the mosquito population in the gardens by providing a place for them to lay eggs. 


Another bricks and blocks workday: There will be one more workday at Eagle Heights to clean the broken bricks and blocks and the tree island. It will be held this Thursday 5/25 from 4-7 pm. We would like two volunteers. Email me if you’re interested, and I will assign spots in the order of replies.  


Thanks, and happy gardening,   



Thursday, May 18, 2023

From the Registrar: May 18, 2023

Hello Gardeners, 

Bricks and blocks workday: There will be a workday at Eagle Heights this Sunday 5/21 from 4 pm-7pm to clear the broken bricks and blocks from the weed and mulch pile areas. Volunteers will also remove some junk from the tree island at the end of the 600s row. A dumpster has been delivered and we’ll have it for a limited time. Please consider helping with this project! We would like six volunteers. Email me if you’re interested, and I will assign spots in the order of replies. 

Warm weather plant sale this Sunday 5/21: The warm weather plant sale will be held by Blue Moon Community Farm this Sunday 5/21 from 10 am to 1 pm at Eagle Heights Gardens. Their seedling list is attached, and details are below.  

Plants are $4.00 per item (either a 3.5" pot or a 4-pack depending on what vegetable it is--indicated on the seedling list)  
Mix + Match discount: 6 for $20, or a full flat of 18 for $60  

Payment options: cash, check, credit card, venmo 


Eagle Heights tree island: With the tree island at the end of the 600s being cleared, I want to remind everyone that this is a communal space that we can all use. If you’re not familiar with it, there are some benches there and it’s a nice place to rest in the shade. Please note that the other tree island, labeled “North Tree Island” on the map, and at the end of the 700s, belongs to the Preserve, and is not open to gardeners: https://eagleheightsgardens.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/EHG-UHG-Plots-2021.pdf  


Thanks, and happy gardening,   



Friday, May 12, 2023

From the Registrar: May 12, 2023

Hello Gardeners, 

Hoses and tools in paths: With mowing of the paths beginning, please remember to keep all your belongings in your plot. Hoses left in the path may be mowed. At Eagle Heights your hose needs to be in your plot and disconnected from the spigot, and at University Houses it needs to be returned to the reel. Plants that are growing outside the border of your plot may also get mowed. 


Water not potable: Although the original water source for the Gardens is city water, we cannot guarantee that it will remain potable once it enters our water systems. For this reason, the water in the Gardens is safe for watering plants but is not suitable for drinking. 


Garden juries: Juries consist of small groups of gardeners who are assigned to walk through sections of the gardens and report to the registrar about plots that appear weedy or abandoned (or especially nice). There are three gardeners on each jury. This year we will be increasing the number of juries in the Gardens. There will be two juries each month (June, July, and August). The first set of juries will need to submit a report by the first week of the month, and the second set of juries will need to submit a report by the third week of the month. The weed juries will be asked to report on specific noxious weeds, like thistles and artemisia, and to remove communal tools and carts from plots. 


If you’re interested in being on a garden jury, please let me know. Spots will be assigned in the order that people reply. Each jury will meet three times total: in June, July, and August. Juries will work together to coordinate a meeting each month and turn in their reports. To be consistent with contacting gardeners about problem plots, all juries will need to submit a report by their deadline. Being on a garden jury for the season counts as a workday. 


Warm weather plant sale next Sunday 5/21: The warm weather plant sale will be held by Blue Moon Community Farm next Sunday 5/21 from 10 am to 1 pm at Eagle Heights Gardens. 


Please remember to return all communal tools to the sheds when you are done using them for the day. If they are left in your plot no one else can use them. If they are left in the mulch piles, they will end up buried, and the wooden handles will rot.  


Thanks, and happy gardening,   
