Hello Gardeners,
Parasitized bean beetle larvae: Now that the parasitic wasps have been released in the Gardens, we will begin to see them attacking the bean beetles. Rather than the live, yellow larvae of the Mexican bean beetles, the larvae parasitized by the wasps are brown. Please don’t crush the parasitized larvae if you find them on your beans! These are exactly what we want to see, and more wasps will hatch from them.
Workdays: Every plot is responsible for one workday or one no-workday fee payment. I will be sending out two group emails to let everyone know what their status is. I will send one email to the principal gardeners of plots that have already fulfilled the requirement, and another email to those that have not yet fulfilled the requirement. I know that some people have tried to sign up and have missed the opportunity or the workday has been cancelled due to bad weather. The garden workers will be scheduling more workdays and I can also help you find an independent workday if none of the times work for you. Please let me know if you have any questions about this.
On Saturday 7/29 there will be three workdays at Eagle Heights Gardens:
8-11 AM, Weeding and chipping fruit plantings, Four volunteers needed
12-3 pm, Plot clearing, Four volunteers needed
4-7 pm, Weeding the buffer zone North of the 500s row, Four volunteers needed
On Sunday 7/30 there will be two workdays and University Houses Gardens:
12-3 pm, Weeding and chipping fruit plantings, Four volunteers needed
4-7 pm, Weed whacking and tool painting, Three volunteers needed
Thanks, and happy gardening,
Maintenance request form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScyjHBH_xBH229AVwmqTE-2L3znGrLwn3TNJfw2ri9T01MMfA/viewform
Previous emails: https://eagleheightsgardens.blogspot.com/
Gardening resources: https://eagleheightsgardens.org/gardens/organic-growing/