Hello Gardeners,
Tomato tasting and seed-saving: Please join us for a tomato tasting to celebrate the 61st anniversary of Eagle Heights Gardens this Sunday Sept 10th at 12 pm! The tasting will be held at Eagle Heights Gardens by the shed. Please bring tomatoes from your garden plot to share and come to try new and interesting varieties. All gardeners from Eagle Heights and University Houses are welcome, and the tasting will last until 2 pm or the tomatoes run out. The more gardeners that participate and bring tomatoes the more we can sample and share, but you do not have to bring tomatoes to join the tasting.
There will be a presentation on saving tomato seeds before the tomato tasting beginning at 11:30 AM: Saving seeds from your favorite tomatoes and tomatillos requires a few extra but easy steps. Come early to the tomato tasting to learn more from one of our gardeners. Meet at Eagle Heights shed at 11:30 before the tasting begins. A short demonstration will be given.
Workday opportunities: There are a few workday opportunities next week. Please reply if you’re interested and I’ll assign spots in the order I receive replies.
- On Tuesday 9/12 from 9 am-12 pm there will be a weeding workday at Eagle Heights, five volunteers needed
- On Wednesday 9/13 from 9 am-12 pm there will be a weed whacking workday at Eagle Heights, two volunteers needed
- On Thursday 9/14 9 am-12 pm there will be a weed whacking workday at University Houses, two volunteers needed
Thanks, and happy gardening,
Maintenance request form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScyjHBH_xBH229AVwmqTE-2L3znGrLwn3TNJfw2ri9T01MMfA/viewform
Previous emails: https://eagleheightsgardens.blogspot.com/
Gardening resources: https://eagleheightsgardens.org/gardens/organic-growing/