Thursday, September 5, 2024

From the Registrar: September 5, 2024

Hello Gardeners,  

Gardening in 2024: Every year, all gardeners must reapply for their garden plots if they want to return the next season.  

  • 2025 applications will be available beginning December 15th 2024. 

  • The deadline to apply for renewal will be February 15th 2025. Returning gardeners in good standing have priority to return to the same plot (or to switch if they want). 

  • Renewal applications received on 2/16 or after are not guaranteed. I will try to help if I can, but gardeners have lost their plots due to late renewal applications. After Feb 15th any plots that have not been renewed will be reassigned to new gardeners, and we usually have a long list of new applicants. 

  • If you know now that you do not plan to renew your plot, please let me know. 

Only assigned gardeners from 2024 are eligible to renew a plot for 2025. If there is someone gardening in your plot with you now that would like to keep the plot next year, you must make sure they are listed as the secondary gardener BEFORE December 15th. If I receive a renewal application from someone that was not previously assigned to the plot, I cannot renew it for them.  

Please let me know if you have any questions about applying for next season. 

  • Workday opportunity: There will be a weeding workday on Saturday 9/7 from 8-11 am at University Houses Garden. Volunteers should wear long sleeves and bring gloves. The group will meet at the UH garden shed at 8 am. Email me if you’re interested, and I will assign spots in the order of replies.    


Happy gardening, 
