Political Commentary

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Gary's information on making actively aerated compost tea:

AACT- Actively Aerated Compost Tea
Benefits: Rhizosphere (root system) faster intro of microbes than
compost or mulch
Phylosphere (stem & leaf) can protect the surfaces from attack of pathogens
Web Search:
See: http://www.gardeningwithmicrobes.com/aact.shtml
Book: Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels & Wayne Lewis (a great gift for any gardener)

AACT is a method of producing and applying microbes to any garden or lawn. Microbes just enrich the soil where applied. Breaking down the recipe I used: 16 oz of AACT mixed with dechlorinated water will cover 1000 sq ft.

Dechlorinated Water Compost
5 gal 1 lb. (4 cups)
25 gal 5 lb. (20 cups)
50 gal 7 lb. (28 cups)
Materials: Clean bucket (can be oversized for bubbles), pantyhose
(size Q), strong aquarium pump and air stone (can substitute 2 ft. soaker hose designed for drip irrigation), 4 ft. plastic tubing.
If using tap water w/chlorine just use pump w/water alone for an hour or two to dissipate chemical. Add pantyhose filled with compost and the
process time should be for 24-36 hrs. Be sure to put a weight at the end of the air hose to keep it on the bottom. The tea should have a
healthy, sweet, earthy smell. Keep out of sunlight (UV rays kill microbes) and needs an average room temperature to brew. Use within 4 hrs but can last 3-5 days if refrigerated but oxygen will be diminished. Avoid applying between 9am till 3pm as UV rays are strong).

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