Political Commentary

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dear Gardeners,
The daffodils are just starting to bloom and the bees are excited to have some flowers. It has been a glorious week and we hope to have the water turned on soon to help with the seeding.
We are trying to deal with the weed pile issues at University Houses, but the road in is very wet and we can't get truck traffic on it yet. For the next month, please take your plant refuse to the blacktop parking lot and use the southwest corner of the asphalt. Please don't put this material on the grass since it will kill the grass and keep the pile as compact as you can.
Plant sale this weekend:
On Sunday, from 11 am to 1 pm in Eagle Heights gardens near the shed, we will have transplants for cool season crops on sale. There should be a variety of cabbage, broccoli, lettuce and other plants for sale. Our vendor raises these locally using organic methods and we have been very happy with the quality of the transplants in previous years. Prices will be comparable to the Farmer's market (where the vendor will also be selling). You might want to bring a small box or bucket to transport plants to your plot.
Workshop on soil preparation and tool use:
Sunday, during and after the sale, there will be a workshop conducted by Sandra, one of our very experienced gardener, on tool use, what you can add to your soil and soil preparation. This will be hands-on and include plenty of time for questions. Please drop in anytime between 11 am and 1:30 pm at the Eagle Heights shed. Later workshops will include pests and weeds and be conducted at University Houses and at Eagle Heights.
Workday announcements:
This week will be the first workday of the season at Eagle Heights. Here is how the workdays are done: You will get announcements in the emails as the workdays are scheduled.  . Some workdays can accommodate more volunteers and some only a few, so please do reply if you would like to sign-up and I'll let you know if there is room. I will reply with more instructions. We have many workdays through the year and plenty of opportunities. We'll vary the times and sites so everyone can find a chance to come participate. You can work any workday for credit, even if you garden at another site. Workdays meet at the garden sheds and please only sign up if you can work the full three hour shift.
Workday Saturday
This week the workday will be Saturday, April 18,  from 2 pm to 5 pm at Eagle Heights and we'll be doing a number of clean-up tasks in the common plantings and other areas. Please reply if you are interested and I'll let you know if we still need volunteers.
Hoping that the plot preparations are going well. Please be sure that you are not putting plant material in the trash but take it to the designated weed pile area. The University will not dump our trash if there are weeds or soil in there. Only trash should go in the dumpsters and no trash should go in the weed pile.
Check out the Garden Blog by Jenn, one of our co-chairs with pictures from the Seed Fair (available from our website in the left column):
Gretel, Garden Registrar

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