Thursday, May 9, 2024

From the Registrar: May 9, 2024

 Hello Gardeners, 

Refund deadline extension: The Garden Committee has extended the deadline to cancel a plot assignment and still receive a refund for the fee to the third Friday in May of each year. This means that the refund deadline for this year will now be Friday, May 17th.  

Hoses and tools in paths: With mowing of the paths beginning, please remember to keep all your belongings in your plot. Hoses left in the path may be mowed. At Eagle Heights your hose needs to be in your plot and disconnected from the spigot, and at University Houses it needs to be returned to the reel. Plants that are growing outside the border of your plot could also be mowed.  


Water not potable: Although the original water source for the Gardens is city water, we cant guarantee that it will remain potable once it enters our water systems. For this reason, the water in the Gardens is safe for watering plants but is not suitable for drinking.  


Garden juries: The garden juries are small groups of gardeners who walk through the gardens and report plots that appear weedy or abandoned (or especially nice). This year, there will be one garden jury for each site (Eagle Heights and University Houses). There will be four gardeners on each jury.   


The juries will meet four times total: in May, June, July, and August. In past years there were multiple jury groups for Eagle Heights and the juries met in June, July and August. Because there will only be one jury for all of Eagle Heights and we will meet four times rather than three, please be aware that this may be a bigger time commitment than in the past. The reason for this change from previous years is to be more consistent in holding plots to the same standards. The weed juries will report on specific noxious weeds, like thistles and artemisia, and will remove communal tools and carts from plots. Being on a garden jury for the season counts as a workday. If you’re interested in being on the garden jury, please let me know. 


Warm weather plant sale reminder: The warm weather plant sale will be held by Blue Moon Community Farm Sunday 5/19 from 10 am to 1 pm at Eagle Heights Gardens.  


Communal tools: Please remember to return all communal tools to the sheds when you are done using them for the day. If they are left in a plot no one else can use them. If they are left in the mulch piles, they will end up buried, and the wooden handles will rot.   



Thanks, and happy gardening,     





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