Tuesday, June 18, 2024

From the Registrar: June 18, 2024

 Hello Gardeners, 

Lakeshore Nature Preserve rules: Both Eagle Heights and University Houses Gardens are a part of the Lakeshore Nature Preserve and the rules and regulations of the Preserve also apply to the Gardens: 

  • We observe the Preserve’s hours, which are 4 AM to 10 pm every day. 
  • Bikes are permitted on the garden paths, but not on the Nature Preserve paths. 
  • Dogs must always be on a leash everywhere in the Gardens and Preserve.    
  • Amplified music is not permitted in the Preserve. Headphones must be used to listen to music. 
  • Nothing can be disposed of in the Preserve (like weeds), and nothing can be taken from the Preserve (like sticks).  

For additional information about Preserve rules please see their website: https://lakeshorepreserve.wisc.edu/visitor-etiquette/ 

Please note that events that are held at the Gardens must be approved by both the Garden Committee and the Preserve.   


Standing water reminder: Please do not allow standing water to remain in your plot. This provides a place for mosquitoes to lay eggs, and we do not need any more mosquitoes in the gardens. 


Colorado potato beetles: The potato beetles have started to come out for the season. Many plants are hosting eggs right now on the undersides of the leaves. This is a good time to check your plants and destroy the eggs before they hatch. Once the eggs hatch, plants can be quickly defoliated if there are many larvae. The best method for controlling the eggs, larvae, and adult beetles in your plot is to pick them off and dump them in soapy water. Dealing with them now will help reduce the number in the gardens overall. 


Potato beetles will eat anything in the Solanaceae family, including tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and tomatillos, but most of the damage we see is on potato plants.  


The link below from the University of Minnesota Extension has some good pictures of the beetles at each stage of life. Please remember that only organic control methods are allowed in Eagle Heights and the A and B rows of University Houses. The gardens sometimes spray Spinosad to control them, but it is too early to consider that.  



Workday opportunity: There will be a workday at University Houses Garden this Saturday 6/22, from 9am-12pm. The workday will be weed whacking, weeding, and mulching. Five volunteers are needed. Volunteers should wear long sleeves and bring gloves. The group will meet at the UH garden shed at 9 am. Email me if you’re interested, and I will assign spots in the order of replies. 


Thanks, and happy gardening,     



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