Wednesday, October 16, 2024

From the Registrar: September 18, 2024

Hello Gardeners,  

Workday opportunity: There will be a plot clearing workday on Saturday 9/21 from 8:30-11:30 am at Eagle Heights Garden. Volunteers should wear long sleeves and bring gloves. The group will meet at the EH garden shed at 8:30 am. Email me if you’re interested. 
One gardener from every plot must do one workday each season to remain in good standing and be eligible for renewal the following year. If a workday is not done the $45 no-workday fee must be paid. If you have not had a chance to do a workday yet it is not too late. We expect to continue running them into October.  
If the group times do not work for you but you’d like to do a workday, please contact me about scheduling an independent workday.  
Happy gardening, 

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